Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Good software design and simplistic ideas about life.

Software and Life
When software, or life, has unforseen difficulties, breakage, or simply does not work in unexpected situations or events, is this a problem or an opportunity?  Do you believe that a person can be designed not to experience troubles when random difficulties emerge in life?  No... the way to do that, is to allow for changes, to test oddball situations.  Not to try to make things perfect the first time.
Good software has been stressed and tested in real-life situations, allowed to break, analyzed, and improved.
If the user does something wrong, is it an issue, if the software crashes or breaks, because of the user's error?
Some developers think it's not.  However, the best software is written to handle breakage, errors, the unexpected, and oddball cases.
Do car companies design cars to work in ideal conditions? No. They break cars to see what happens, put them under stress, and make cars that can last through problems in the environment and some abuse.  The best cars can handle a lot of abuse.
In our lives, when errors occur, do we learn and survive, or simply break and die?
There are two schools in making software: simplistic, and real.
A simplistic school maintains that you design software carefully, so that when it is implemented, it works.
The problem is, no amount of planning can forsee the odd cases.  It is necessary to break software, to use it incorrectly, to write code that handles problems of usage and abuse.
The philosophy that problems of usage don't matter, is wrong.
The good philosophy is that we plan to break.  We anticipate changes.  Software adapts intelligently,  and gets better than it would be if not used incorrectly and analyzed.
Changes can break things, but breakage solves design problem that would not be seen otherwise.
Look at living things.  They evolve because of those 'survival' mechanisms that are so cruel, and end up producing the most nearly perfect biological creatures you can possibly imagine.

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